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Project Details


Portal for posting ads / classified vacancies in apartments, very similar to RoomGo. However, it is targeted at the LGBT public and the registered users themselves can announce their vacant rooms.
Case / Technique:
Platform development with user and content management system, to manage the registrations, ads / classified and information available in the portal. The portal also has a control panel for users to manage their own information, such as details of their registration, information about the ads and photos of available rooms / spaces, messages between users, setting favorites, and other resources. Addresses are registered using the Google Location APIs and Google Maps. The registration part also has the integration with Facebook Login API.
Temporary site navigation (portfolio copy - low performance):
Year of Development:

Parte da página inicial.
Parte final da página inicial, com área de exibição de depoimentos.
Exemplo da página de listagem de anúncios.
Exemplo da página de detalhes da vaga disponível, integrado com o API do Google Maps.
Outra parte do exemplo da página de detalhes da vaga disponível.
Exemplo da área de cadastramento da vaga, com auxílio do API Google Location.